Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday Morning Marvels- Take 3

Another week down in this pregnancy! It seems like it will be forever and a day until I get to meet my Little Lady. It is amazing how slow time seems to be passing when I think about my pregnancy and how fast it seems to be passing when I look at Dillan growing, yet it is happening at the same time. Very surreal. 

On Saturday, I had my book club. My childhood girlfriends and I started a book club so that we would be on a more regular schedule of seeing each other. If we have something planned to see each other, it just makes it more of a commitment and gets more of us there. There are six of us and we change the location to someone else's house each time. But, it is still tough because we live anywhere from northern Massachusetts to Central Pennsylvania. I am really enjoying the book club aspect just as much as I am enjoying the company. Getting to read books that I NEVER would choose on my own has been really awesome. 

So, what are we marveling today??

1. My friends. Usually we spend the whole weekend together, talking about the book for maybe a night. This weekend, we could only meet for a Saturday. Getting out of the house and seeing the ladies that have supported me for the last 20 years always makes my heart smile. It makes me feel so, so blessed to have those friendships and even more blessed to know they will always be there. They even had a mini baby sprinkle for me! 

You'd think I could find one with all of us. 

2. Our health. We have been hit with the stomach bug, not once, not even twice, but three times in the last couple weeks. I am so looking forward to a point where this cold season is over and we can get outside and get some fresh air. Dillan is exhausting when he is healthy. He doesn't stop moving or talking for two seconds, but I would take that over this any day! 

I'm sure there is more, but I am exhausted from cleaning up after a sick little man!

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