Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Day out in the city

Today is Dillan's birthday! I can't believe how big my little man is getting. It seems like just yesterday he was born. It makes me realize how fast this time really is passing! 

Since Hubster was on vacation this past week we tried to do some fun things with Dillan before Little Lady arrives. One of our adventures was taking him into Boston. We have been wanting to do this for a while and it was always just bad timing. Dillan was so excited to ride the subway. We decided to drive closer into Boston and take a shorter train ride. At first, Dillan was really nervous about being on the train since it was loud and shaky. I was proud of us for making a good decision to drive part of the way. But, naturally, by the time we were headed back to the car, he could have been on that train for days and was sad it didn't take longer. My bad.

While in Boston, we visited the aquarium. Normally, the cost is pretty outrageous, about $25 a person  on average, and not something we would pay. We used the museum passes from the library and our tickets were only $10! Every parent should check out their local library. Not only are the passes a great resource, but they have so many activities for kids that are really awesome. Dillan loved the aquarium. He is little and doesn't care too much for a lot of the exhibits, but the ones that caught his attention were well worth it. He got to touch some really cool animals including sting rays, sharks, and crabs. It was really an awesome time! 

Some days I get nervous about doing things like this on my own while toting another little one around with me in a few months, but this outing went so smoothly that it makes me feel like I could do this with no problems at all. It's a good day when you get a small boost of confidence like that! 

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