Monday, February 4, 2013

Monday Morning Marvels- Take 2

Happy Monday! It's back! 

Thankfully, next Monday Daddy will be home with us because it is his vacation week. I CANNOT wait. His last vacation was back in October and these last three months have been late work nights and crazy pregnancy hormones. It is going to be a very welcomed change of pace. 

This is going to be a quick post because we are going to a free-play at the local elementary school this morning. I don't know why, but I get a little nervous when introducing Dillan to new things like this. He is home with me all day, everyday and I worry that I am not giving him enough opportunity to hone his social skills. 

So, what are we marveling over here???

1. My marriage. We got out yet again this weekend all by our lonesome. I love when the Hubster is genuinely grateful to get some alone time. He doesn't get to see Dillan that often and the fact that he still enjoys and values the time he gets alone with me, not waiting to get back to our son, makes me happy for what we have. 

2. My son and his growing independence. I know that probably every waking moment I am marveling at my son, but sometimes he surprises me with his self-assurance. My mom took him Saturday night to see my brother and his girlfriend out in Boston. When we leave him, there is always a little bit of guilt that he will miss us or want for us, and we won't be there. But, sure enough, nothing of that sort ever happens. He says goodbye repeatedly and pushes us out the door so he can start his own night out. He is growing up too, too fast! 

3. My beautiful new niece, Lucy Lee. I am so in love with this little gal. She is so sweet. We spent yesterday visiting with my brother, sister-in-law and sister. Watching my nephew and niece so smitten with their new sister just warms my heart. Lucy slept so soundly through all the loudness of having all 5 of the older cousins together. It makes me so much more excited for Little Lady to get here and meet her family. 

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