Monday, February 18, 2013

Back to Reality

This past week was amazing and, in turn, the blog has been slow. Ooops.

Hubster had the week off from work so we got to indulge in some much needed family time. We got to do some fun things with Dillan that we had been hoping to do before the Little Lady gets here. I will get back to that in another post though :) 

It just so happens that both Valentine's Day and our anniversary fell on his vacation. Our anniversary is the day before Cupid's day so it made for a love filled week. We have never really been the type of people to go over the top for Valentine's day. We always get each other a card and maybe a cute valentine candy item. This year, I got flowers and he got a M&M dressed as Boba Fett. (He is a Star Wars crazy! ) I really enjoyed the day this year because it was the first time that Dillan is really getting the whole holiday craze. We made valentines for his Gramma and Nana and he loved it. We got him some new books and a little bit of chocolate and he was over the moon. It was too cute! 

As for our anniversary, this is year one. We decided that, instead of getting gifts for each other, we would pay to get a 3D/ 4D ultrasound done. I know that a lot of people would disagree with our decision and say that our lives revolve around the kids so we should take our anniversary for ourselves. I would agree with that view most of the time, but we got free 3D pictures with Dillan and I don't want to miss out on that memory with Little Lady. Also, the gifts we would have bought would have been things we didn't need and probably wouldn't use so this is route we decided to go. And next year, we'll just have to go extra big on ourselves. 

Our Wedding Day

As for the rest of the vacation, we got a ton of stuff done. We got the shelving that I wanted for the kids room and changed Dillan's crib to a toddler bed. (I will get back to this too!) Getting things moving in the direction of being ready for baby is making me feel so much more at peace. It's great.

Now, its back to the normal schedule of cleaning, cooking and entertaining a toddler. Monday Marvels will be back next week once I get back in my groove! 

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