Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Big Boy Sleepovers

Recently, we moved Dillan into a toddler bed. He was so excited to get his new bed that he didn't even care that we were taking apart the crib to store for the baby. He had a little apprehension when we actually removed it from his room, but it lasted about two seconds. He is amazing at staying in bed despite the fact that he could roam freely if he wanted to. At night we usually put a gate up on the outside of his door so that if does decide to roam, he can't get out of his room. He still has a monitor in his room, so we can hear if anything is wrong. 

This weekend, Dillan had his cousin sleepover. We usually take my nephew for a night every couple months. Dillan is 3 and my nephew is 6, but they seem to be at the ages where they play well together. Even when the difference was more drastic and Dil was a baby, it is nice to get some time at home with our nephew. Until this visit, when it was bed time, we would put Dillan down and when he was almost asleep, we would put our nephew down. This let us visit with nephew for a few minutes with out Dillan all up in our business, but also it avoided any problems with the actual falling asleep part of bedtime. My nephew liked it because he got to stay up later :)

Well, with Dillan's new bed situation, we set up another small bed right next to Dillan's and allowed them to hit the hay at the same time. This was the most frustrating bedtime yet. It was also the cutest, by far. We had the monitor on so we could hear any issues or crying, but instead all we heard were the funniest conversations. Dillan was reading our normal bedtime books to my nephew. My nephew was telling Dillan all about his days at school. They were talking about different kinds of birds. They were talking about their pets. Oh my gosh, I wish I could have recorded it. I had to go up a few times to get them settled down and was surprised to see Dillan tip-toeing around the room, but it was cute when they both tried to defend the situation. I love how close they are staying as they grow up. Weekends like this, make both excited to have a more full home. However, I am one tired Momma after just one weekend! 
My nephew and Dil 

Saturday, March 2, 2013

Isolating Journey

Being pregnant is an isolating journey. It is exciting and beautiful. It is lonely and terrifying. At least, that is my take on it at the moment. I know that I am feeling very hormonal. I am so very much more sentimental and sensitive throughout this pregnancy than I have ever been, even when pregnant with Dillan. But, at the same time, I know that a lot of these feelings are entirely normal. They are simply aspects that women try to forget or not to talk about.

Hubster is seriously an amazing man. He is always so supportive of me, but I have never felt less supported than I do right now. Yes, he could probably be doing more to help me get ready for Little Lady and make me feel more at ease, but, to be honest, just the fact he can't understand how I am feeling is my biggest problem. And, obviously, he will not be able to since he is a male so that makes me feel like I am being absolutely insane. I just want my best friend in the entire world to understand what I am going through emotionally and physically. My physical insecurities are a whole other bag of wacky that maybe I'll touch upon later.

In addition to that completely normal, yet completely irrational, issue I am having, I am just plain anxious for the arrival of Little Lady. I am only 28 weeks. I have a long way to go and if I am going to be driving myself this crazy for the next 12 weeks, Little Lady is going to be a stressed out newborn. I stress about Dillan's reaction to the new addition, my being able to fall into a new schedule when I am home very often by myself with the kids, and keeping a honest, healthy relationship with Hubster. I am sure I will make it work since it seems I always do, but I am having my moments of sheer worry.