This has been one hell of a week, and it's only Wednesday. For most of the winter, we have been able to avoid each and every sickness we've seen go through my extended family. A few weeks ago Dillan came down with something that lasted about week or so. We were hoping we were in the clear after that, but, naturally, we were not. Dillan started to feel sick Sunday night. He was complaining of a belly ache, or in his words "I can't feel all good." I gave him some tylenol before bed which usually helps to bring down any fever he gets and also gets him a better nights sleep than without it when sick. Welp, that lasted for about 10 minutes before he was throwing up all over his room. For the first time in months, he was feeling so sick that he came to bed with us. He loves to sleep with us, but the kid loves his own space. He's never been one to fight going into his own bed.
Monday he woke up and was feeling better, still no fevers or anything. We had a school thing to go to and he was excited and peppy for it so I figured maybe it was just a fluke and he ate something that didn't agree with him. We got to the program and he started to play with the other kids, when all of a sudden, he started to feel sick again and was burning up. We left with a quickness and he spent all afternoon getting sick.
Both yesterday and today, he has been feeling good. Acting more like himself, an angry and defiant three year old with glimpses of my sweet little man. But, then today, while visiting my sister. It hit him again, not the fever, but the upset stomach. Goodness, I cannot figure this thing out and weeks like this make me question my abilities as a Momma!