Wednesday, May 15, 2013

She Will Be Here Soon...Hopefully!

I am skipping today's blog assignment because, quite frankly, I don't have time to take pictures ALL DAY LONG. And, I don't feel like it. So, I will be sharing my thoughts about pregnancy and my family at the moment... Yay! 

I am beyond ready for Little Lady to make her appearance. I am willing to try almost anything to get her out of me. BUT, I am only 38 weeks +4. (Picture at some point.) Forcing her to come out at this point is only selfish and while I don't really have an issue being selfish (especially when I feel like I do), when it comes to my kids, I feel like I have to suck it up a bit. Hubster is driving me crazy since he seems to think its okay to add days to the due date countdown. If I have 9 days left, its 2 weeks in his eyes. I don't want anyone to add even an hour to how much time I have left. I am anxious. I am scared. And, I am a loose cannon at this point so if he could just lock it up for the next however many days it takes for Little Lady to arrive, that would be fantabulous! 

I've talked about my fears of family life changing before and, even though she is almost here, my feelings haven't changed much. I am VERY anxious. More so than I ever was with Dillan. At the moment, its a little bit of fear over the baby unknowns. Will she be a "good" baby or will she be colicky as all hell? Will I feel good after the birth or is a good deal of postpartum struggle in my future? Will Hubster be as awesome with this one as he has been since day one with Dillan? Obviously, most of the things I am worried about are easily adjusted to, but it doesn't change the fact that they could be obstacles. I find it somewhat comforting that I have very little fear about the actual labor and birth. Naive? Maybe. 

Finally, there are my fears about my son. He has been my world since day 1. And, although I have given up most of the rest of my life for him and my family, Daddy has been Dillan's hero and number one guy since day 1. Now, there will be another number 1 for Mommy and Daddy and I don't know how he will handle it. My sister-in-law and my sister have infants and Dillan is so sweet and truly adores those babies. I hope that when its his sister, who lives in the home and competes for our time,  he has the same feelings. I decided that I would get a small gift for Dillan from the Little Lady. We got him a Spiderman backpack so that he could carry his own stuff with him and he doesn't have to share a bag with his sister. Silly, when I try to explain my thought process, but hopefully it will be nice. 

Dillan with his brandy-new cousin 

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