My nesting is in full force and I am beyond ready to get this place in some sort of baby-ready order. I know that we have to wait to buy a lot of the things to change Dillan's room over to a room for both him and the little lady. But, I have the layout of the room entirely planned and I have been pricing out all the items we need to buy from about every store imaginable and making lists galore. It may be helpful, or it may not, but it seems to be sufficient enough to make me more comfortable.
I recently went through all the clothes that we had been saving from Dillan, for our second baby. Since this one is a girl, all the clothes will be going to my sister who is due 17 days before myself, with a little man. Well, all the clothes minus a few Patriots and Red Sox shirts and all the Star Wars stuff that Daddy will make her wear. So, I moved on to the toys....
How in the heck do kids, namely my own, acquire so many toys?!?! I have to admit that my son is extremely organized, but just the sheer quantity of toys in this house for one child is craziness. Our living room is basically a playroom. I dread the idea of adding girls' toys to the mix and hope that we will be in a bigger space before she gets to an age where toys are so valued. I have tried to eliminate some of the toys that are not used all that often, but most of those are the educational toys and I just can't bring myself to toss something that I may want/need down the road. Also, Dillan remembers pretty much every toy that he has and when he decides he wants to play with a certain toy, he will search until he finds it, regardless of how long that takes. If it has been thrown out, I am at a loss. Now, I know that I could redirect and probably get him to move on from that toy with a bit of a struggle, or I could be honest and tell it that it went to another kid that needed it more because they don't have so many toys, but, in reality, I would rather deal with the mess until we can spread out. So, I guess the toys, and in turn the kids, win this time.
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