Sunday, January 20, 2013

Double Duty

Recently, I have been having some fears about going from one child to two.  Being a relatively new mom of only a few years, I often times wonder if what I am doing and teaching my son will send him in the direction I want him to go. Some days, I feel like I have mastered my craft and I am pretty confident in my decisions. Other days, I feel like I am failing my son miserably and maybe I was never cut out for the job of being responsible for another person's well-being. 

Usually, Dillan is super well-behaved and I am totally thankful that he is a pretty easy going kid. However,  he will be 3 years old in just about a month and he has started to really test me.  I thought he had been testing me for a while now, but, evidently, that was just a sneak peak. He has become a significantly more defiant when I ask him to do something or not to do something. He will do things he knows he is not allowed to do, just to see how I will react, even informing me himself that he has done something wrong. He started blatantly saying, "No!" to me, which is not something he ever did before and is not something that is allowed in this home.

 Now, I feel pretty confident that we have the tools and, most days, I have the patience to curb this behavior early on. However, the idea of trying to work with him and deal with a newborn baby scares the living hell out of me. When I express my concern, most people say well so and so did it so I'm sure you will be just fine. I am well aware that plenty of other people do it, and many do it with several more children. My own mother did it with 7 kids. That bit of information doesn't make me feel anymore assured. I want to hear that someone thinks that *I* will be able to do it; that I am a good mom to Dillan and that I will be a good mom to the little lady, not that someone else is a good mom to their kids. For goodness sakes people, don't push the pregnant lady toward tears!

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