Watching my son and his cousins grow up with the technology filled world we live in is simply amazing. The debate over when and if kids should be using things like phones, computers, and tablets is all consuming for some parents. Personally, I think everything in moderation is the best route.
I know a few parents who have actively make their home technology free. Well, as best they could. I don't agree with this. Kids are going to be growing up and living in a world that is fueled by technology. Allowing your young child access to the devices that are used daily is just not something I can frown upon. There are kindergarten classes throughout the country that are using Ipads as learning tools. Computers are used, and need to be used, throughout a child's schooling. And, as everyone knows, computers in the working world are essential. The idea of shielding your toddler from this part the world seems like postponing the inevitable. Let me also say, many of the women with whom I've debated this subject, I met through online communities for moms. The irony of arguing the technology debate over the internet makes me chuckle.
So, do I think 8 year olds should be walking around with cell phones of their own? Absolutely not. Obviously, there are some people that allow kids to overdo anything. Phone and computer use just being added to the list. Before there were tablets to complain about, there were videos games. (Not that the argument against video games has gone away by any means.) After tablets, there will be a new technology that people will be up in arms over. Dillan uses the Ipad almost better than I do and he uses it on a very limited basis. Most of what he does on the device is educational. The apps include numbers, colors, matching, words, reading and problem solving. That still doesn't mean he plays with it 6 hours a day. He plays with his toys and uses his imagination more than anything else. I think adding the educational apps early on, especially in adding to physical learning and playing can only enhance a child's ability to learn in a variety of ways.